We specialize in difficult diseases and are 4th generation in natural medicine. The medical field is more than a profession to us, it is a family tradition and a way of life. Our family has been serving patients in California for over 35 years and in the USA since 1980. We use the same treatment methods administered by the Emperor’s Royal Physician of the Qin Dynasty. We have treated over 45,000 patients and awarded Best of Orange County and also included in the elite Business Hall of Fame. Patients who come to Agape Acupuncture are from all walks of life, from the young to the elderly, and many are medical professionals themselves, including medical doctors, physicians, nurses, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and post graduates. Our clinic is MD recommended and acupuncture is FDA approved.
Doctor Kevin Huang and Doctor Janet Yeh | We pledge our dedication to quality medical care through the use of natural treatment methods only. We are both licensed primary healthcare providers by the State of California Acupuncture Board of Medical Quality Assurance. We treat degenerative disorders, acute & chronic ailments with gentle loving care. Serving patients and working in a clinical environment is our passion and calling.
Agape Natural Health is distinct because we treat difficult diseases using natural medicine only. We specialize in degenerative disorders and treat patients suffering from auto-immune diseases, immune disorders, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, panic disorder, skin ailments, reproductive disorders, liver diseases, kidney diseases, digestive disorders, infertility, miscarriages, along with other female and male care related issues. In addition, we are very experienced in treating chronic pain, offering natural pain relief for migraine, headaches, fibromyalgia, lockjaw, TMJ, facial pain, neuralgia, back pain, sciatic nerve pain, neck pain, leg pain, shingles, arthritic pain, gout, and osteoarthritis. We also help many patients recover from car accidents, post surgical recovery, stroke recovery, and those sustaining work or sports injuries.
Although natural medicine is sometimes labeled as alternative or complimentary medicine, the treatment methods are actually traditional medicine, in every sense of the word. It is in fact the most widely used medical treatment method and the world’s oldest contemporary medical system. Natural medicine has endured for over 4,000 years and it is the most researched, most studied, most turned to, and most applied healing system. Those who have been treated with herbs and acupuncture far outnumber individuals treated by all other forms of medicine combined. Not only is acupuncture very safe, it is truly a masterful and gentle method to treat many difficult diseases, various injuries and natural pain relief because it helps the body promote healing. It is also very valuable for the treatment of chronic illnesses due to it working with the body to restore and maintain health and not acting on the body.
Not only is acupuncture is safe & effective for the treatment of pain & recovery from injuries, and it is helpful in treating many different kinds of diseases.
Pediatric and Geriatric Care | We offer treatments for infants, toddlers and the elderly.
Our family has been serving patients in California for over 35 years
and in the United States of America since 1980.
Treatment methods from the Emperor’s Royal Physician of the Qin Dynasty
Natural Medicine is the longest researched and most used medical system with over 4000 years of history and “More people have been treated with acupuncture and herbs than ALL systems of medicine combined.”
We treasure our patient family and are blessed to be in the field of healthcare. Patients who come to us are from all walks of life - from the very young to the elderly. We regularly treat medical professionals, doctors, nurses, post-graduates and pastors. Our clinic is MD recommended and acupuncture is FDA approved.
Thank you for visiting us and for your interest in natural medicine. We have a heart to serve others and we desire to make a difference in the lives of those who become part of our patient family. I am humbled by all the patients that come through our doors - some from nearby, but some from out of state and even out of country. We have patients that drive long hours to come to our office for treatment - only to get back in their cars to drive many more hours home. They travel to our office a few times each week. We have patients that fly here for their visits - even ones that pilot their own private planes to come for treatments. Health is truly priceless and being healthy and staying healthy should never be taken for granted. I certainly do not take the medical profession lightly because it is a huge responsibility and a rewarding career. For those who come to our office, we pledge to you our dedication to top quality medical care. - Sincerely, Dr. Janet Yeh