I am cancer free! Dr. Huang has tremendous positive energy, and a principal interest in serving others with Love. His attention to my health and my mental attitude kept me on track. He was pivotal in the improvement of my general health and well being so that I could fight the cancer battle and win! Dr. Kevin Huang played a major role in my beating cancer. He is a true healer!*
Testimonials and before and after images on Agape Natural health have proven acupuncture and herbal medicine has successfully treated patients with eczema. Their patient suffered from eczema that had spread throughout the years, and steroid creams, pills, and other treatments helped, but their symptoms returned. After receiving acupuncture treatment from Agape Natural Health, here is what they had to say.
"I used steroid creams and other creams purchased online and steroid pills prescribed by the Dermatologist from 2008-2010. The treatments helped for a little while and then it came back... By the second week of acupuncture, I was feeling better. By the second month, my skin was 80% better... I feel healthier in genera. I feel very happy about my results." - Y.K.N., Garden Grove, CA*
"I suffered from eczema and dermatitis of the hands for many years. I had swelling and water blisters and could not move my fingers... I saw medical doctors and was given lots of medical treatments, creams and shots. The medicines were not helping and instead they would burn. There were no results with all those treatments... I was given acupuncture, herbal creams and herbal medicine... I started getting better within 1-2 weeks. the swelling started coming down, then the blisters went away, and the pain is gone. I am able to move my fingers and hands... I am amazed at the results and happy because this was the only thing that worked." - C.I., Tustin, CA*
To God be the Glory!
Thanks Dr. Kevin Huang
My experience with Acupuncture was marvelous because I am not taking medication anymore to control the Diabetes.
Dr. Kevin is a loving, caring and knowledgeable; he shares his experience and heart with a cheerful heart.
Thanks Dr. Kevin I know that God worked on my health through you.*
It goes without saying that I was beyond thrilled and incredibly relieved, but mostly grateful to God and all the love and care I'd been shown by so many people around me. This, of course, included Dr. Huang and his staff, and I couldn't wait to share the amazing news with them. When I had, I was dubbed a miracle, and Dr. Huang affectionately calls me that each time he now sees me. Thank you so much, Dr. Huang.
As for any person who might read my testimonial, I'd like to say that I am a true believer in acupuncture and more natural forms of healing, like those of the herbal supplements provided by Agape. Not to say that there's not benefit to modern medicine, too, because there is, and they helped save me, too. But, I honestly feel that the treatments I'd been receiving at Agape, along with the positive reinforcements, kept my body strong to not only get through the surgery, but that it all helped in keeping the cancer more localized, rather from it spreading further. I am so grateful to Dr. Huang and the staff at Agape for being part of that healing process for me during my scary journey. To this day, I continue to come in for treatments and take the supplements, just to maintain and keep my body strong. Thanks so much, Dr. Huang and the Agape staff!!*
We have the clinical experience to help you, so please call us 949.877.8889
Primary Healthcare Provider
Herbalist and Medical Acupuncturist
Licensed by the California Acupuncture Board
Nationally Certified
Doctorate of Natural Health
Doctorate of Jurisprudence
Diplomate/Practitioner of Acupuncture
Certified by the National Certification Commission
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Diplomate/Practitioner of Herbology
Certified by the National Certification Commission
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Primary Healthcare Provider
Herbalist and Medical Acupuncturist
Licensed by the California Acupuncture Board
Doctorate of Science in Nutrition Counseling
Summa Cum Laude
The following weeks I was 100% better and back to my normal functioning self. I can push out air in my cheeks and hold my breath, I can swish water around in my mouth and it doesn't drip out, I can smile evenly, I can raise both of my eyebrows together, I can whistle, and the best part ... I can close my eye all the way so it is no longer dry all the time and I can sleep! Thanks Dr. Huang and all your helpful staff!*
Agape Natural Health is among a very small group of companies that have won the Best of Orange County Award for ten consecutive years. This distinction has qualified Agape Natural Health for the 2018 Newport Beach Business Hall of Fame. To commemorate your inclusion in this elite group an exclusive Hall of Fame Award, available only to Hall of Fame inductees, has been created.
5.0 star rating 6/10/2014 | Gerard V., Sunland-Tujunga, CA
I found Agape on line. It's fantastic. In the office you experience the love of God through the dedication and prayers of Dr. Huang and his assistants. The fact that they are Christians attracted me to Agape.
Dr. Huang is very knowledgable in health issues. The office personnel are friendly and diligent.
I have been helped with a major health problem. I will recommend Agape to anyone.*
Natural Medicine is a time proven medical system, and is in fact, traditional medicine. With over 4000 years of history, use and research, more people have been treated by herbs and acupuncture than all systems of medicine combined. The popularity of natural medicine is due to the safe, gentle and effective treatments. Harsh methods, such as drugs are not used, and irreversible procedures, such as caustic surgeries are not involved. The key to natural medicine is that it strengthens and balances the body to promote, maintain and restore health. Since the illness occurred due to a weak and defenseless body, increasing the body's strength and balancing its functions will naturally eliminate the ailment. Natural medicine is gentle, yet has the ability to treat a wide variety of chronic and acute ailments. Our desire is to share Natural Medicine with you and to make a difference in your health and healing process. We offer gentle loving care to our patients and will do our best to serve your healthcare needs. Not only is acupuncture and herbs very safe, it is truly a masterful and gentle method to treat many difficult diseases, degenerative disorders, various injuries and offers effective natural pain relief. It is also very valuable for the treatment of chronic illnesses due to it working with the body and not acting on it. Natural Medicine is God’s medicine. He created the herbs. Genesis 1:29-30 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground - everything that has the breath of life in it - I give every green plant for food. And it was so.”
During his free 20 minutes consultation with Dr. Huang, the patient disclosed information about his condition. Dr. Huang recommended a combination of acupuncture treatments with natural herbal medicine to improve his health. The patient started treatment and natural herbal right away because he knew that western medicine did not help him with his pneumonia. A few days after his first treatment, we noticed his cough had decreased. The patient states that his ear and congestion has reduced from his initial consultation with Dr. Huang. As we treated the patients for his pneumonia, we also treated him for an autoimmune digestive disorder, shoulder pain, tight muscle, and weak ankle. Dr. Huang also recommends that the patient is placed on a special nutrition diet to promote his digestive health. As the patient progressively continued with his acupuncture treatment, we noticed a drastic change from when he initially came in with coughs, congestion, and hiccups. After two months of acupuncture treatment at Agape Natural Health and continuous consumption of herbals medicine and nutritious guideline, his pneumonia went away. The patients' cough was gone allowing him to sleep better at night, his congestion cleared up and opened up his nasal, ears, and throat, his lungs were breathing better, he wasn’t experiencing any more headaches, his shoulder pain went away, leg muscle wasn’t tense, and his ankle got stronger. A combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition diet increased the patient quality of life by improving his body strength to live a healthier lifestyle.*
YELP 5 STAR REVIEW | DR. KEVIN HUANG | ACUPUNCTURE, HERBS, NUTRITION | Reverend S., Irvine, CA 5.0 star rating 2/4/2018 Dr. Huang is a Christian Doctor, with the experience and knowledge; and with the heart and understanding to serve the community. He is gifted by God and he gives his gift back to God by serving others. He takes care of your time, definitively a humble servant specialized in hard to treat diseases. God has blessed me and my family and many friends in Doctor's Huang office. Staff very competent and friendly too. Rev. Sanchez*
5 STAR YELP ONLINE REVIEW FOR DR. KEVIN HUANG | AGAPE NATURAL HEALTH | MaryAnn B. Cerritos, CA | 5.0 star rating | I totally recommend Dr. Huang for acupuncture. I have been going to him for the last two years for several conditions but primarily are bladder issue. I am 94% better which is huge! I also have more energy and am in the process or reducing medications I take for arthritis. Dr. Kevin is a good listener and very knowledgeable on health issues. He has a fantastic staff too which is kind and caring.*
Acupuncture, herbs and nutrition are time proven natural methods to promote healing, maintain health, restore and strengthen the body to wellness. Our treatment methods and proprietary formulas are handed down from family for 4 generations, from the Emperor's Royal Physician of the Qin Dynasty. We are the pioneers of natural medicine in the United States with great results for auto-immune conditions, immune diseases, digestive disorders, IBS, Colitis, anxiety, depression, skin conditions, psoriasis, eczema, migraine headaches, reproductive disorders, infertility, tumors, cysts, liver and kidney diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions.
By maintaining his health, within two weeks his pain was 70% better and he was able to walk much better. Each time that CJ came in for his treatment, his recovery process kept strengthening his body by restoring his balance. By week four, CJ’s pain was 80% better and he no longer needed to take any over the counter pain reliever for his back. On August 15, 2017, CJ pain was pain-free. He no longer had any pain at his lower back region or experiences any sciatic nerve shooting down the back of his left leg. With acupuncture and natural herbal medicine, CJ was able to heal faster than expected and is now living a healthier lifestyle that improved his function to perform his daily task at home and work more efficiently*
Within the first week of treatment my pain reduced and became slightly better. I kept getting treatment and taking herbs religiously from May until September. The healing did not come right away. It was a process and it was gradual. I still had many episodes of intermittent bursts that last anything from few seconds to minute. Now after months of treatment, I am completely pain free. I thank God every day for being so blessed again with health. What I like about Dr. Huang is that he an anointed Christian, a believer and does his job as a mission. I have been to other acupuncturists before but his ability and his expertise is far beyond others.*
After 6 months of treatment, I am about 90-95% recovered and hardly feel symptoms, which is way better than when I first started with him. My husband and I also saw him for secondary infertility treatments, and within the first cycle, we got pregnant! We praise God that we found Dr. Huang and there is no doubt that God has gifted him in this way to serve others. I continue to recommend him to all of my friends and family that have chronic health issues. I have also personally seen benefits in getting different medical perspectives from both the modern and natural point of view.*
Acupuncture is painless and even infants, toddlers and children get treatments at our office - which is proof that the needles do not hurt and that acupuncture results are real and lasting, because babies cannot play mind games or feel "placebo" effects. Babies, toddlers and children do really well under our care and thrive. We love our patient family. Dr. Kevin Huang is great with kids and he offers gentle treatments and baby acupuncture. There is no pain and we love your little ones. We help children with acupuncture and herbs for seizures, epilepsy, asthma, sinus problems, congestion, sinusitis, runny nose, wheezing, cough and colic. We are a family clinic and appointments are easy to make. Call 949.877.8889
As usual, Dr. Huang welcomed me with a smile and encouraging words. He was confident he could help me feel better. The projected amount of time it would take to balance me out was about 12 weeks, but after few treatments of acupuncture, I felt calm, less anxious, and more optimistic. By the time school had ended, I felt back to normal and had a more upbeat demeanor. I am grateful to God for using Dr. Huang and his staff to help me when I felt low and in pain. He is my go-to doctor for health because I like gentle treatments and no negative side effects.*
YELP 5 STAR REVIEW | Gerard V. Sunland-Tujunga, CA | 5.0 star rating 6/10/2014
I found Agape on line. It's fantastic. In the office you experience the love of God through the dedication and prayers of Dr. Huang and his assistants. The fact that they are Christians attracted me to Agape.
Dr. Huang is very knowledgable in health issues. The office personnel are friendly and diligent.
I have been helped with a major health problem. I will recommend Agape to anyone.*
5/5 stars