"I had a full lab test recently. The blood sugar was within normal limits. The cholesterol numbers and that of other organs being tested e.g. the kidneys, liver etc. were all within normal range. In fact, the figures were right in the middle of the range. ’Perfect’!"

In June of this year, my doctor informed me that I had high cholesterol and was also pre-diabetic. He knew that I was very much into natural health and medicine. He gave me 6 months to get my cholesterol down otherwise he would be prescribing medication.

I moved to this area in June and did not know a single soul. I went on the NET to check for an acupuncturist and herbalist nearest to me. And Jesus led me to call Dr. Huang. I could see and consult with him the next day. This was in July 2014. I started treatment - acupuncture, herbs and a diet plan for high cholesterol.

A few weeks later, a blood sugar test showed that I was now diabetic. In fact, my blood sugar level was rather high! I told Dr. Huang about this and he started acupuncture and herbs immediately.

I had a full lab test recently. The blood sugar was within normal limits. The cholesterol numbers and that of other organs being tested e.g. the kidneys, liver etc. were all within normal range.

In fact, the figures were right in the middle of the range. "Perfect!"

Dr. Huang and the staff of Agape Natural Health are very caring and dedicated health professionals.

L.L Costa Mesa CA
November 16, 2014


“My experience with Acupuncture was marvelous because
I am not taking medication anymore to control the Diabetes.”

To God be the Glory!

Thanks Dr. Kevin Huang

Tustin, CA

Early in the year (2017) I started my acupuncture treatment with Dr. Huang as I wanted to get treatment for Diabetes. After acupuncture sessions (from January to March); the blood test results showed diminution on the Glucose readings from 120 (average readings); to the 100 mg/dl; without the need of any medication.

My experience with Acupuncture was marvelous because I am not taking medication anymore to control the Diabetes.

Dr. Kevin is a loving, caring and knowledgeable; he shares his experience and heart with a cheerful heart.

Thanks Dr. Kevin I know that God worked on my health through you.

Pastor H.S.J.

October 30, 2017


Patient testimonial on diabetes success to share the hope and encouragement from Agape Natural Health. Over 45,000 patients treated and 4th generation in natural medicine – acupuncture diabetes, acupuncturist for weight loss success testimonial By Patient RD.


"Rapidly, I felt the difference, and I felt way better. The results were good. I began feeling more energy and my sugar levels on the blood tests started coming out better and the dark spots on my face are lighter. Today I am happier and I can wake with less worries and more energy. I have a better quality of life and I even lost weight."

In May 2009, I was diagnosed with diabetes and was depressed and scared when I learned of the findings. I was tired and had low energy and dark facial spots. I had frequent headaches and dizziness and my energy was low. Even though I would sleep well, I would wake up really tired.

My primary doctor prescribed drug medicines for me and she explained that I had to take these pills for the rest of my life. These drugs would only control my diabetes and I would experience secondary negative effects. The conversation with my doctor had told me that there was no cure.

I searched on my own and I had hope of healing and recovering my good health that I had before. I looked on the internet for information on my disease and found this natural clinic. Also, a friend of mine had brought his wife in and she had felt much better. I believed in natural medicine and I started acupuncture treatments along with herbs and nutrition guidelines.

I thought my process of healing would be slow, but it was the opposite. Rapidly, I felt the difference, and I felt way better. The results were good. I began feeling more energy and my sugar levels on the blood tests started coming out better and the dark spots on my face are lighter. Today I am happier and I can wake with less worries and more energy. I have a better quality of life and I even lost weight.

The staff is good and kind, and they always call us by our names, which gives us more trust. The medical staff is really attentive and always there to answer any questions. I am really happy with God, with the doctor, and myself for following the instructions step by step. Everyone is happy with my good results.

My primary doctor said she didn’t know what I was doing but to continue doing it because the results from the exams were really good in comparison to my diagnosis the first time. The benefits for me are extraordinary and in the future with any other disease, I would decide to come to Agape Natural Health first. I thank Doctor Huang for all his attentions and his treatment was the most appropriate one for my body and it healed rapidly.

Sincerely, R.D.
Santa Ana, California

April 23, 2010


"After a week or two of getting acupuncture treatment and taking herbs, I started feeling better, relaxed, and stronger. My immune system got stronger as well. My friends and family are happy to know that I was recovering. I had increased energy and an improved quality of life."

I was diagnosed with possible malignant cancer in my lungs in January. Initially, I went to the doctor for a checkup because I had a fever. After 5 days of being sick, I went back to the doctor for another checkup and the doctor told me to get an X-Ray. The doctor found something wrong with my X-Ray and told me to come back. I then went back for the third time and got a CT scan, and my doctor recommended a Pulmonologist to me. The Pulmonologist then wanted me to get a biopsy and so I did, and that is when they found that I have possible malignant cancer in my lungs. The doctor diagnosed me and ran a series of tests, and referred me to a surgeon. The doctor examined me and found that I have lung infection. When I learned of my diagnosis, I was very worried and was not sure what to do so I prayed and prayed. I stopped working because I was too weak and worried; it was very draining.

I took drug medications that my Pulmonologist gave me. I did not have any surgery, only a biopsy. My wife's cousin then told us about Agape Natural Health as she is a patient of Dr. Huang's and so I came in for a consultation and started getting treatment. The first time I came to Agape Natural Health was on April 7th, 2017. What prompted me to come here was for good health, to strengthen my immune system, and have a change for my diet. I hoped to get stronger and be able to relax from all the worrying of my diagnosis. Thankfully, my friends and family are very supportive of acupuncture. My sister in law and wife plan to come here too after seeing my miraculous progress.

When I first came to the clinic, the staff was very welcoming, courteous, friendly and God-fearing. I have always been a firm believer in natural medicine before coming to Agape Natural Health, but I was looking for a good one. I received acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition/dietary guidelines from Dr. Huang. The results were very good. When I started getting acupuncture, I felt better and was positive about herbs and acupuncture. After a week or two of getting acupuncture treatment and taking herbs, I started feeling better, relaxed, and stronger. My immune system got stronger as well. My friends and family are happy to know that I was recovering. I had increased energy and an improved quality of life. I feel very relaxed and good about the positive results.

The staff at Agape Natural Health is very nice and friendly; the medical staff is also very friendly and accommodating. I prayed a lot and had a positive mindset. My friends and family are very happy to know about this miracle. I had diabetes, and changing my nutrition definitely helped with that. Agape Natural Health has helped a lot of people with different kinds of diseases, and has definitely helped me with my lungs and diabetes. I will definitely refer my wife and sister-in-law because they have seen my progress and recovery after coming to Agape Natural Health. I strongly believe that acupuncture and herbal medicine go side by side along with good diet. To the people that are skeptical of natural medicine, I recommend going for a consultation and getting all the right information first before judging. I definitely recommend Agape Acupuncture! I have received healing and was directed by God to come to Agape Natural Health. I know that there are a lot of acupuncturists and herbalists, but God brought me here for a reason.

Sincerely, R.S.
Anaheim, California
July 24, 2017



I am a 69-year-old patient who has been seeking treatment at Agape Natural Health since March 2021, driving all the way from Los Angeles to Newport Beach on a weekly basis for acupuncture treatments and herbal supplements. When I first arrived at the clinic, I had been battling diabetes for 16 years and was reliant on medications to manage my condition but my blood sugar continued to trend up over the years and beginning to become out of control.

In addition, a pulmonary nodule of 1.3 cm was discovered in March 2021, adding to my serious health concerns. I had arthritic pain and very low energy and weight gain issues.  My blood pressure was also high for many years, and my A1C level was alarmingly high at 9.6.

However, my experience at Agape Natural Health has been nothing short of remarkable. The dedicated and knowledgeable staff, along with the expertise of Dr. Huang, has transformed my health and well-being. I am overjoyed to share that after several months of treatment, my A1C level dropped significantly to 7.4 in November 2022 from 9.6 Feb, 2021, leaving my doctors astonished and elated at the outstanding results.

To my surprise and delight, on August 26, 2022, a follow-up examination revealed that the pulmonary nodule had completely disappeared. This news left my doctor in disbelief, and I couldn't be more grateful for the positive impact that the treatments at Agape Natural Healh have had on my overall health. Not only have I experienced weight loss and increased energy levels, but I have also noticed a significant reduction in my reliance on medications. Furthermore, my blood pressure has shown improvement, and my body aches and pains have greatly diminished.

I am truly blessed and thrilled with the exceptional results I have achieved under the care of the doctor and staff at Agape Natural Health. I have enthusiastically recommended, and will continue to recommend, this clinic to all my family and friends. I am grateful to God for guiding me towards this path of healing and for allowing me to benefit from the expertise and compassion of Dr. Huang and the entire team at Agape Natural Health.  I will continue this beautiful journey with Dr. Huang and his staff because my goal is to improve my health as much as possible.

To anyone who may be skeptical or hesitant, I want to emphasize that you will never know the extent of the healing and transformation possible unless you take that leap of faith and allow this exceptional doctor to guide you on your health journey. I am a living testament to the life-changing impact of their treatments, and I encourage you to give yourself the opportunity to experience the same profound results.

God bless!

Patient W.R.


“Thank you to Dr. Huang for helping me. After 3 months I could get my surgery! The acupuncture treatments are really relaxing, comfortable and didn’t hurt. My results are excellent!”

I have suffered with liver inflammation and heart problems for 11 eleven years, and I only took drug medicines from the doctors. In 2001, I was also diagnosed with diabetes. I didn’t know how to control myself and didn’t know if I would survive. I wanted to be healed from the illnesses. The main problem was the heart and I couldn’t have surgery because of the inflammation of the liver. I had Hepatitis C and didn’t want to take the risk of contaminating my organs. I had low energy, my body’s defense was low (immune system) and I couldn’t sleep. I needed more oxygen because I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t go out and have a normal life, nor could I take a shower by myself. I had SOB (shortness of breath) so I couldn’t have a conversation and I couldn’t walk far.

I took 15 medications every day. After visiting a lot of MDs, having exams and taking drug medicines – none of them helped. There was no therapy for my situation on medication. The medicine was for the heart and high blood pressure (HBP). None of the medications helped at all and I needed to have heart surgery but couldn’t. I began treatment with the Cardiologists from June 2010 to December 2010 with no results, and my condition was getting worse.

I started treatments with Agape Natural Health in June, 2010 with acupuncture, herbal medicine and a food guide. My aunt, T.R., referred me here. I wasn’t a believer in natural medicine before coming here, but I had a lot of faith and was positive. I wanted to get well so I could have my surgery. The staff is really kind; the clinic is really quiet and clean - very trustful and friendly.  My results were excellent.

Thank you to Dr. Huang for helping me. After 3 months I could get my surgery! The acupuncture treatments are really relaxing, comfortable and didn’t hurt. My treatments were excellent and the results are perfect! My recovery process was after a month. I felt better. I have a better quality of life and more energy. Everyone’s really kind and have a lot of positive minds - made me think positive. They make me feel at home and everyone’s smiling. I’m thankful with Doctor Kevin Huang. He is excellent and very good! I recommend a lot of people because of my positive results. The medicine is without secondary effects. The treatment is really good and effective without pain. I will help by putting myself as an example. I tried and it worked! Thank you so much to doctor and his knowledge. I have my life back.

Sincerely, H.S.
Chula Vista, CA

April 12, 2013




“I remembered noticing the difference after just two treatments which was not expected but I knew that my faith in God everything would be just fine.  I am so thankful for Agape and the staff members for helping me feel better in such a short period of time.”

I started going to Agape Natural Health on November 6th 2017 primarily for my facial paralysis along with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and gastritis as my secondary illness.  I was first diagnosed on November 1st of 2017 and suffered no more than week before seeing Dr. Huang for my medical conditions. After hearing the news, I was scared and worried that my facial paralysis was not going to get cured. I had a hard time drinking water, communicating with people and I didn’t want to go outside so I decided to stay home most of the time, it was very depressing for me.  I sought much help from conventional doctors and all they would do was prescribed me pills.  It was then that my son stepped in and researched other alternatives for me. He stumbled across many testimonies at Agape Natural Health that resembled a lot of what I was going through, and after seeing the photos, and reading other people’s story myself I was absolutely convinced that Dr. Huang was able to help.  It was not long after seeing Dr. Huang that I started to see results and feel better.  I remembered noticing the difference after just two treatments which was not expected but I knew that my faith in God everything would be just fine.  I am so thankful for Agape and the staff members for helping me feel better in such a short period of time.  I would recommend my family and anyone to come to Agape Natural Health to give it a try because it is very good.  MY LIFE IS IMPROVED AND MY LIFE IS NOW HAPPY! - A.C., June 1, 2018



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