In Loving Memory of Pastor Chuck Smith
Thank you Pastor Chuck Smith for your ministry and faithfulness in serving Christ. We came to Jesus and accepted Him as our Lord and Savior because of your legacy through the wonderful and Godly pastors and teachers at Calvary Chapel. God has used you in a might way for His Kingdom and His Righteousness. We love you and are eternally grateful.
"God bless you Janet, it has been a joy meeting you. May God bestow upon you the riches of His grace." Pastor Chuck Smith
"God bless you Kevin for all the help you keep my body strong and healthy." Pastor Chuck Smith
MATTHEW 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
ACTS 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
PSALM 118:8 It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.
Statement of Faith
We have been married for 26 years and have a daughter in college and she is a Pre-Medical Science major, and we are so proud of her. We gave our lives to Jesus Christ in 1998 while attending Calvary Chapel Golden Springs with Pastor Raul Ries, and then on August 20, 2000, at the Harvest Crusade Anaheim Angels Stadium with Greg Laurie we made it official on the field that day. We have a passion to see new believers come to the Lord and currently serve in the Call Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. We have a passion for marriage ministry - that Jesus would be at the center of Godly marriages. We love serving together in ministry wherever He has us.
Trusting in Christ alone for our salvation | HE>i Christ alone, Cornerstone | Weak made strong in the Savior's love | Through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all | My hope is built on nothing less
In 1998, God led us to Calvary Chapel Golden Springs (CCGS) in Diamond Bar, California. There, we were diligently taught the Word of God under the leadership of Pastor Raul Ries and Somebody Loves You ministry. It was such a blessing to have a pastor with boldness and passion for the Lord. He laid the foundation for us by faithfully teaching the Bible through the book of Romans, and in those early years, seeds were planted and watered. We accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior that year in 1998 at CCGS and then on August 20, 2000, we made it official at the Harvest Crusade with Greg Laurie at the Anaheim Stadium on the field that day. We committed our marriage and our lives to God and came into a personal relationship with our Maker. Spiritually we have grown tremendously and continue to grow daily. We thank God for His mercy, His grace and His love in saving a wretch like me.
At Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, we served in the marriage ministry and were so blessed by the fellowship of the servanthood and the married couples there. Also, the Lord led to us a group of youth that we took to weekly Bible studies and various church events and crusades. Watching their spiritual growth in the Lord and dedicating their lives to Christ was truly a blessing, especially at such a crucial time in their lives.
In 2003, the Lord led us in our move to Orange County, California - to Costa Mesa to begin our clinic. We saw firsthand how God opens doors that no man can close, and He closes doors no man can open. As His children, we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness daily and abide in Him. We want Jesus to guide and direct our steps for His ways are perfect. Our medical clinic is currently located in Newport Beach, California. Every day, we take care of the patients that the Lord has entrusted us with to the best of our ability. Whenever the opportunity opens, we share the gospel with the patients and staff because this is our mission field. We have been blessed to serve many brothers and sisters from church and also many Calvary Chapel pastors and their families with natural medicine.
Since 2006, we have attended Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (CCCH) with Pastor Jack Hibbs and continued our growth in the Lord. At CCCH, we served and continue to serve in the Calvary Chapel School of Evangelism. The Call Ministry is an evangelism and discipleship ministry at the church. We go out on Tuesday evenings to street witness, disciple other believers, and share the good news of the gospel with our divine appointments. This ministry has stretched us and grown us tremendously. It took us out of our comfort zone and gave us boldness and passion for the lost.
In 2009, Harvest Orange County began as a Thursday night midweek Bible study with Greg Laurie. We served in several ministries simultaneously and were overseers in the Decision Follow-up Ministry, START to Follow Ministry, V2 Marriage Ministry, led as support leaders in the Harvest OC Small Groups Ministry, led our own smal groups throughout 15 years, and have also been a part of and led in the Virtue Women's and Valor Men's ministries and served at various Crusades at Angel Stadium in Anaheim and were crusade field supervisors. It is a blessing to serve Jesus our Audience of One. Our desire is to “finish the course with joy, and the ministry, which we have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God”. We have been amazed by all that the Lord has done in our lives and excited for all that He is going to do. Our prayer is that we remain faithful, available and teachable because in Christ, the best is yet to come.
In this season, we continue to serve at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills with Elder John Terry in the The Call Evangelism and Discipleship ministry at CCCH. We have been blessed to be a part of this ministry for over a decade and we continue to take teams out every Tuesday night to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are “not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes”. We also have fellowship and small group time every Sunday at church, a community group on Monday nights, and a home fellowship group on Friday evenings. We are plugged into mens ministry and women’s ministry and continue to serve wherever God places us. Our desire is to “finish the course with joy, and the ministry, which we have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God”. We have been amazed by all that the Lord has done in our lives and excited for all that He is going to do. Our prayer is that we remain faithful, available and teachable because in Christ, the best is yet to come.
We are grateful to Jesus for His amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. He gave us the gift of eternal life and we are so thankful for it daily. We do not deserve it and we have never earned it. God's agape love endures forever and we are blessed by the wonderful relationship that we have with Him. Oftentimes we do not realize that Jesus is all we need until Jesus is all we have. Sinner saved by grace, trusting in Christ alone for our salvation.
Natural Medicine is a time proven medical system, and is in fact, traditional medicine. With over 4000 years of history, use and research, more people have been treated by herbs and acupuncture than all systems of medicine combined. The popularity of natural medicine is due to the safe, gentle and effective treatments. Harsh methods, such as drugs are not used, and irreversible procedures, such as caustic surgeries are not involved. The key to natural medicine is that it strengthens and balances the body to promote, maintain and restore health. Since the illness occurred due to a weak and defenseless body, increasing the body's strength and balancing its functions will naturally eliminate the ailment. Natural medicine is gentle, yet has the ability to treat a wide variety of chronic and acute ailments. Our desire is to share Natural Medicine with you and to make a difference in your health and healing process. We offer gentle loving care to our patients and will do our best to serve your healthcare needs. Not only is acupuncture and herbs very safe, it is truly a masterful and gentle method to treat many difficult diseases, degenerative disorders, various injuries and offers effective natural pain relief. It is also very valuable for the treatment of chronic illnesses due to it working with the body and not acting on it. Natural Medicine is God’s medicine. He created the herbs. Genesis 1:29-30 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground - everything that has the breath of life in it - I give every green plant for food. And it was so.”