12 Recommendations for a Healthy Lung and Large Intestine System
1. Eat foods with the knowledge of balanced nutrition.
2. Eat foods with the knowledge of balanced food medicine.
3. Do not smoke or be around cigarette smoke.
4. Do not take unnecessary drugs.
5. Do not eat foods with artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
6. Do not use artificial sweeteners.
7. Do not overeat any one food, variety is important
8. Avoid foods that are canned, processed or refined.
9. Go to sleep early and wake up early
10. Eat a King’s breakfast, Queen’s lunch and Pauper’s dinner. In other words, do not eat a heavy meal in the evening, before going to bed.
11. Chew 30-50 times before swallowing and savor every bite.
12. Stop eating when content instead of stuffed.
Thyroid Nodules, Hyper- or Hypothyroidism, Liver Diseases, Hepatitis, Liver Fibrosis & Cirrhosis, Neuralgia, Neuropathy, Chronic Severe Pain, Hypertension (HBP), High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Phlebitis, Thrombosis (DVT), Thyroid Disorders, Graves' Disease
Click here for Diseases Treated
“I was Stage 4 head, neck, throat cancer that spread to my lungs, my survival was low and I am now free of cancer according to my last PET scan. The fact that they can’t see it on a scan is pretty amazing to me!”
I was diagnosed on August 5, 2013 with Stage 4 Head, Neck and Throat Cancer. I was scared and worried. My condition basically kept me locked down at home on my couch and it was lonely. It kept me fatigued all the time with a dry mouth and limited me from doing cardio. It limited me from going out in the sun and kept me from the beach and riding my bike. I suffered with this condition for 1 year.
I had radiation to the throat area, chemotherapy for 5 weeks - 1 every week during 24 radiation treatments to the throat. The second round was 1 every 3 weeks for 6 months. I had a throat tube put in because I couldn’t breath when I went into the ER, and I was there for a month. The tracheostomy tube did not come out for 4 months because the tumor was wrapped around my esophagus. When they took the tube out and did another scan, they found that the cancer had spread to my lungs. They did a needle biopsy and found out that it was the same from my throat and that it had spread. It was a cancerous lung nodule 8mm that spread from my throat.
I had 6 rounds of chemotherapy for the lungs. I was also on medications for pain (morphine and hydrocodone) and Xanax for anxiety. I didn’t like any of it because the whole process of treatments made me miserable, and I had a lot of anxiety with the chemotherapy treatments.
I was always a believer in natural remedies and I read a lot about it first. I came to Agape Acupuncture on February 6, 2014 and found Dr. Huang to be knowledgeable and that they were really concerned about me and very supportive. I found the clinic to be fantastic with excellent customer service and a clean facility - sweet people over here, honest and reliable. I hoped to find healing of my cancer all the way naturally instead of with drugs. I started acupuncture treatments along with natural herbs and diet guidance.
After I started coming to Agape Acupuncture, I have been getting better everyday and it is promoting to heal the body naturally. Socially I can get out a little more and exercise more. I don’t have to hide my appearance from the sun because the chemotherapy beats you up and it shows on your face. I have more energy and over all feel better. Ever since I’ve even coming here, the last 2 scans, CT scan and PET scan were the best I had and were clear and free of cancer. The staff is very helpful, kind, understanding and educated. I found the medical staff to be very respectful, very kind and knowledgeable. I feel fantastic about the results and clear and no cancer on my last scans. My family and loved ones are ecstatic at my results.
I will definitely refer others to Dr. Kevin Huang because I find natural medicine to be fantastic. I would say they helped me and brought me through a lot of turmoil. I would make a point to tell others I was Stage 4 head, neck, throat cancer that spread to my lungs, my survival was low and I am now free of cancer according to my last PET scan. The fact that they can’t see it on a scan is pretty amazing to me! I would recommend natural medicine to anybody, whether they have cancer or not. It restores your body naturally from toxins and Dr. Huang has excellent credentials.
Huntington Beach, California
Major Determinants of Health
Natural health and wellness are determined by many factors such as food, nutrition, environment, emotions, exercise, sleep, lifestyle, healthcare, and medical treatment. It is not enough to only give attention to one aspect and ignore the rest. All of these important components must work together simultaneously and be synchronized to completely benefit the body.
It is the responsibility of doctors, nurses, medical technicians, nutritionists, pharmacists and all those who work in the medical field to provide patients with correct information regarding the major determinants of health. It is not right to only render treatments and give medications to the sick, without providing for the total wellness of the patient and incorporate preventative measures to reduce the risks of the patient becoming sick.
It is more important to “teach a person how to fish than to just give them a fish to eat when they are hungry”. When someone is hungry and they are given a fish to eat, they have to rely on the giver for survival. However, if that same person is taught how to fish, they will never be hungry again. That person can rely on himself or herself for survival. The same is true for healthcare. Knowing the key steps in maintaining wellness, the patient can take charge of his or her own body.
It is true that the patient can be the best doctor because it is nearly impossible for a healthcare professional to spend every meal, every day and every night with the patient. But when the patient is educated on health and preventative measures, every day can be a healing experience with the proper food, sleep, exercise, work, study and lifestyle.
Food is a Major Determinant of Health
Food is certainly an essential aspect of health and wellness. It is a medical treasure that humans have used for thousands of years for survival. It can be an art of healing that everybody uses at least three times a day, 21 times a week, and 1095 times a year. However, most people do not realize the power of foods. The body is often being abused with wrong and junk foods, instead of healing and strengthening the body with good and proper foods. The only way to fully understand whether a food is good or bad for the body is through proper education.
If wrong foods are not controlled, diseases cannot be treated effectively. For example, a diabetic patient came to our clinic with a blood sugar level of 285. She had congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and severe edema in her ankles, knees, hips, belly button and lower ribs. She was also overweight. She was on 40 units of insulin each day and medication for her heart and the high blood pressure. She came to us saying, “I am dying, I am dying”. Upon completion of her diagnostic examination and reviewing her personal and medical history, we found out that she was drinking three glasses of orange juice and lots of sodas every day, using butter, and heavily eating meats for protein. We immediately told her to eliminate these foods from her diet. Her response was, “I’ll follow, but no one had ever told me not to eat these foods”.
Doctors need to help patients with food and diet, so that the patients do not suffer the consequences. As long as the patient understands what to eat and what not to eat, this knowledge can be applied many times each day to help strengthen the body, boost the immune system, allow normal functioning of internal organs, and provide proper balance within the body. Our desire is to equip patients to know how to care for their bodies from the inside out.
Balanced Food Medicine
Balanced Food Medicine takes an in-depth look at the importance of food, the major determinants of health, the balance of chemistry, physics and biology, and special care for specific illnesses. This book is a comprehensive guide for your health and wellness, p.47-48
Agape Natural Health
4750 Von Karman Avenue, Newport Beach
California 92660