Natural Medicine is a time proven medical system, and is in fact, traditional medicine. With over 4000 years of history, use and research, more people have been treated by herbs and acupuncture than all systems of medicine combined. The popularity of natural medicine is due to the safe, gentle and effective treatments. Harsh methods, such as drugs are not used, and irreversible procedures, such as caustic surgeries are not involved. The key to natural medicine is that it strengthens and balances the body to promote, maintain and restore health. Since the illness occurred due to a weak and defenseless body, increasing the body's strength and balancing its functions will naturally eliminate the ailment. Natural medicine is gentle, yet has the ability to treat a wide variety of chronic and acute ailments. Our desire is to share Natural Medicine with you and to make a difference in your health and healing process. We offer gentle loving care to our patients and will do our best to serve your healthcare needs. Not only is acupuncture and herbs very safe, it is truly a masterful and gentle method to treat many difficult diseases, degenerative disorders, various injuries and offers effective natural pain relief. It is also very valuable for the treatment of chronic illnesses due to it working with the body and not acting on it. Natural Medicine is God’s medicine. He created the herbs. Genesis 1:29-30 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground - everything that has the breath of life in it - I give every green plant for food. And it was so.”
5/5 stars
MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE | HERBAL MEDICINE | NUTRITION | We specialize in difficult diseases and are 4th generation in natural medicine. The medical field is more than a profession to us, it is a family tradition and a way of life. Our family has been serving patients in California for over 35 years and in the USA since 1980. We use the same treatment methods administered by the Emperor’s Royal Physician of the Qin Dynasty. We have treated over 45,000 patients and awarded Best of Orange County and also elite Business Hall of Fame. Patients who come to Agape Natural Health are from all walks of life, from the young to the elderly, and many are medical professionals themselves, including medical doctors, physicians, nurses, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and post graduates. Our clinic is MD recommended and acupuncture is FDA approved.