Food is a major determinant of health for these organ systems. Food medicine is a medical treasure used by natural medicine physicians for over 4000 years.
7 Food Recommendations For a Healthy Digestive System
The US Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services put forth seven recommendations for Americans, two years of age and older to follow. These diet and activity guidelines are updated every five years to include the latest scientific findings and are designed for the achievement and maintenance of good health.
1. Eat a variety of foods
2. Balance the food you eat with physical activity; maintain or improve weight.
3. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
4. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.
5. Choose a diet moderate in sugars.
6. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
7. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
Thyroid Nodules, Hyper- or Hypothyroidism, Liver Diseases, Hepatitis, Liver Fibrosis & Cirrhosis, Neuralgia, Neuropathy, Chronic Severe Pain, Hypertension (HBP), High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Phlebitis, Thrombosis (DVT), Thyroid Disorders, Graves' Disease
Click here for Diseases Treated
“I am absolutely ecstatic about the results. There is no doubt in my mind that I am a walking testimony. …With Dr. Huang, you have a doctor for life.”
4-5 years ago, I was diagnosed with the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and Lupus and I suffered the whole time. In 2000, I had a vaginal hysterectomy and a platelet issue and almost died. In 2004, I came down with a kidney infection and almost died and went home with a PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line inserted through a vein in the arm for 2 weeks. I suffered from chronic fatigue, severe heart pain, bone pain with severe inflammation, severe lower back pain, and weight gain. I couldn't do anything and I lived on the couch. It was horrible and I thought that I was dying. I also had mononucleosis at the same time. I couldn't use my muscles to walk or move. I had so much swelling. Everything slowed down.
I sought the help of a cardiologist, bone doctor and went to a fibromyalgia clinic and also to UCLA. I took every drug known to man including Provastatin, Prilosec, Amiloride, Hydrochlorothiazide, Hectorol, and I had IV treatments. They gave me diabetes medication and had me drinking calcium. They were horrible. I had the shakes and low blood pressure. I had migraines, I couldn't see, and I was getting weaker plus having bone pain. As a result of all this, I ended up on Nitroglycerin tabs. I thought I was having complications from all the medications while getting worse. I was told there was no cure for me, but only manage me.
On March 10, 2011, I came to see Dr. Kevin Huang at Agape Acupuncture and go the natural alternative way so that I could at least function. I made this decision the day I went to UCLA and a liver specialist said "You have a fatty liver". I wanted relief for my autoimmune condition Lupus and my husband was a bit skeptical that no one could help me, but my friends and family were supportive. When I came here, the clinic was very peaceful. I felt there is a mission here - God's mission. I was treated with acupuncture and herbs and I love it. It's gentle. It treats the whole body, not just the symptoms. The herbs helped what was weak - my liver, kidneys and heart.
I am absolutely ecstatic about the results. There is no doubt in my mind that I am a walking testimony. I'm off the couch and exercising 60 minutes a day. I started feeling better when the swelling started going away. It's been awesome. I'm back to gardening, knitting, playing the piano, exercising, cooking, traveling and visiting my grandkids. The clinic is warm, welcoming and pleasant and the staff is very helpful. I have referred a girlfriend here also; her mom died of ovarian cancer and she has a lot of infections. I encourage others to give natural medicine a try because it does work. Once you understand how it works, it makes sense. With Dr. Huang, you have a doctor for life.
Stagecoach, Nevada
Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans
What should Americans eat to stay healthy?
The US Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Service further elaborates on the above 7 guidelines which provides advice for healthy Americans age 2 years and over about food choices that promote health and prevent disease. To meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, choose a diet with most of the calories from grain products, vegetables, fruits, lowfat milk products, lean meats, fish, poultry, and dry beans. Choose fewer calories from fats and sweets.
Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures
Food choices depend on history, culture, and environment, as well as on energy and nutrient needs. People also eat foods for enjoy- ment. Family, friends, and beliefs play a major role in the ways people select foods and plan meals. This booklet describes some of the many different and pleasurable ways to combine foods to make healthful diets.
Diet is important to health at all stages of life
Many genetic, environmental, behavioral, and cultural factors can affect health. Understanding family history of disease or risk factors—body weight and fat distribu- tion, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol, for example—can help people make more informed decisions about actions that can improve health prospects. Food choices are among the most pleasurable and effective of these actions.
Healthful diets help children grow, develop, and do well in school. They enable people of all ages to work productively and feel their best. Food choices also can help to reduce the risk for chronic diseases, such as heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, stroke, and osteoporosis, that are leading causes of death and disability among Americans. Good diets can reduce major risk factors for chronic diseases—factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol.
Foods contain energy, nutrients, and other components that affect health
People require energy and certain other essential nutrients. These nutrients are essential because the body cannot make them and must obtain them from food. Essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals, certain amino acids, and certain fatty acids. Foods also contain other components such as fiber that are important for health. Although each of these food components has a specific function in the body, all of them together are required for overall health. People need calcium to build and maintain strong bones, for example, but many other nutrients also are involved.
The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food supply energy, which is measured in calories. Carbohydrates and proteins provide about 4 calories per gram. Fat contributes more than twice as much—about 9 calories per gram. Alcohol, although not a nutrient, also supplies energy—about 7 calories per gram. Foods that are high in fat are also high in calories. However, many low fat or nonfat foods can also be high in calories.
Physical activity fosters a healthful diet
Calorie needs vary by age and level of activity. Many older adults need less food, in part due to decreased activity, relative to younger, more active individuals. People who are trying to lose weight and eating little food may need to select more nutrient-dense foods in order to meet their nutrient needs in a satisfying diet.
Nearly all Americans need to be more active, because a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthful. Increasing the calories spent in daily activities helps to maintain health and allows people to eat a nutritious and enjoyable diet.
What is a healthful diet?
Healthful diets contain the amounts of essential nutrients and calories needed to prevent nutritional deficiencies and excesses. Healthful diets also provide the right balance of carbohydrate, fat, and protein to reduce risks for chronic diseases, and are a part of a full and productive lifestyle. Such diets are obtained from a variety of foods that are available, affordable, and enjoyable.
The Dietary Guidelines describe food choices that promote good health
The Dietary Guidelines are designed to help Americans choose diets that will meet nutrient requirements, promote health, support active lives, and reduce chronic disease risks. Research has shown that certain diets raise risks for chronic diseases. Such diets are high in fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt and they contain more calories than the body uses.
They are also low in grain products, vegetables, fruit, and fiber. This bulletin helps you choose foods, meals, and diets that can reduce chronic disease risks.
Agape Natural Health
4750 Von Karman Avenue, Newport Beach
California 92660