“After four months, which is the end of my treatments at the Natural Medicine Center, my blood test levels are all in the normal range and I was able to get off my drug medications! Was able to experience true healing without having to permanently remove my thyroid or take medications for the rest of my life!”
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism - Grave's Disease around 2 years ago. Initially, I feared that my illness would negatively change the quality of the rest of my life. I had the choice to get iodine treatment to kill my thyroid, get surgery, or take medication for a year or so and wait for improvement For the last option, there was always the chance that my illness could return, but with any of the options, I would most probably have to be on medication for the rest of my life. My initial choice was to get iodine treatment, but my parents' suggested we give the drug medications a chance before permanently removing my thyroid.
The illness caused heart palpitations and trembling in my muscles. I also felt hot even in cold environments and I lost a lot of weight and had shortness of breath. Along with these symptoms, I sometimes felt anxiety and was extremely fatigued most of the time. These symptoms definitely made it difficult to do many activities, especially since I was tired most of the time. My grades and my social life suffered because tasks took me longer to complete and I couldn't perform to the best of my ability. My illness also kept me from being active in sports because of heart palpitations and also limited my ability to play piano and sing because my hands and voice would tremble badly.
As prescribed by modern medicine, I took methimazole in varying dosages depending on my blood test results, and Atenolol for a short time to normalize my heartbeat. The possible side effects were itching, liver problems and decreased white blood cell count right before I decided to come to the Natural Medicine Center, the symptoms of my hyperthyroidism had been getting worse and we had come to the conclusion that the drug medications were no longer working. My mom had always suggested that we check out the Natural Medicine Center, but at first I was skeptical. However, since my condition only seemed to be getting worse, I decided to finally check out the Center with my Mom as a last resort before finally getting iodine treatment. I was still a little bit skeptical so I came in not really expecting much, but I did hope that the treatments would offer more definite healing than the treatments modern medicine offered.
My first impression of the clinic was that it was definitely a place where God was working, I remember sitting on the couch on the first day waiting to be called inside and just being in awe at all the testimonials of how God had healed so many people at the clinic. A part of me felt like it was too good to be true, but my God is a great healer and while talking to Doctor Huang my Mom and I just choked back tears because the treatment he offered promised true and holistic healing something that modern medicine never offered. When Doctor Huang said that we can only do so much on earth, but leave the rest to God as the true physician, I knew that this place was a place where God was being glorified in healing and I was certain that! I wanted to go ahead with the natural treatments.
I received acupuncture and herbal medicine as well as dietary guidelines. Since I was still attending college at UCLA, I got acupuncture every other week and weekly when I could. The acupuncture was mostly painless and the herbs were easy to take. After about 2 weeks, I began to feel less fatigued and have more energy. My anxiety and nausea also started to subside and I was able to perform at school and function at a higher level. The recovery has definitely allowed me to work harder at my school work and spend more time with my friends as I regained my energy and health. The treatments have drastically improved the quality of my life and shown me new ways that God can work. After four months, which is the end of my treatments at the Natural Medicine Center, my blood test levels are all in the normal range and I was able to get off my drug medications! Was able to experience true healing without having to permanently remove my thyroid or take medications for the rest of my life! My faith and the faith of my family have significantly grown from coming to this clinic and witnessing God's healing power here firsthand.
The staff is always friendly and welcoming. Their smiling faces and their work in making each treatment as comfortable as possible truly made the experience a pleasant one. Sherry and Dr. Huang were very knowledgeable and kind. They always made sure to answer any questions we had and it was obvious that they cared not only about my medical condition, but genuinely cared for me and my Mom. They genuinely hoped for my complete healing and showed true compassion on us and all the other patients. I was especially encouraged every time Dr. Huang would pray for me before treatments and acknowledge God's sovereignty.
I am overjoyed and extremely grateful to God for the results. I did not expect to experience complete healing through natural medicine and also did not expect to have the pleasant and uplifting experience that I did. I would definitely refer the clinic to other people because I have had such a great experience there and am a firm believer that natural medicine can bring true healing in areas where modern medicine cannot when modern medicine told me to completely rid myself of an organ that I needed to function, natural medicine said that there was a completely natural, harmless way to not only keep that organ but restore it to its normal function.
I praise the Lord for leading my Mom and me to this clinic. My physical, emotional and spiritual health has benefited greatly and I have received a healing in my life greater than I ever anticipated or could expect anywhere else. When I look back on this time of trial in my life, I will always see this clinic as a symbol of God's goodness and love.
Psalm 103:2-5 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth Is renewed like the eagle's.
Sincerely, P.F.
Irvine, CA
August 6, 2012
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENTS AND HERBAL MEDICINE | GRAVE'S DISEASE HEALED | NATURAL MEDICINE SAID THAT THERE WAS A COMPLETELY NATURAL, HARMLESS WAY TO NOT ONLY KEEP THAT ORGAN BUT RESTORE IT TO ITS NORMAL FUNCTION | I am overjoyed and extremely grateful to God for the results. I did not expect to experience complete healing through natural medicine and also did not expect to have the pleasant and uplifting experience that I did. I would definitely refer the clinic to other people because I have had such a great experience there and am a firm believer that natural medicine can bring true healing in areas where modern medicine cannot when modern medicine told me to completely rid myself of an organ that I needed to function, natural medicine said that there was a completely natural, harmless way to not only keep that organ but restore it to its normal function.