Agape Acupuncture, Inc. offers acupuncture, herbs, dietary supplements, and nutrition by acupuncturist and 4th generation doctors in natural medicine. We have a loving medical staff and will do our best to help and support patients to promote, maintain and restore health. Medical Testimonials from our patients Acupuncture for menstrual conditions, abnormal and painful periods, hormonal imbalance, infertility, fertility, interstitial cystitis (IC), fibroid tumors, cysts, high FSH, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), vulvodynia, premature ovarian failure (POV), irregular periods, PMS, and menstrual cramps.
Acupuncture PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, acupuncturist for hormonal problems, high testosterone, acupuncture clinic for acne, fatigue, depression, sleep loss and hair loss and Natural Medicine Center offers acupuncture, herbs, dietary supplements, and nutrition by acupuncturist and 4th generation doctors in natural medicine. Another patient testimonial to share the hope and encouragement.
“The 1st month I was sleeping better and in another month my skin started to clear up. My cycle became more stable. My cycles are now 28 – 30 days. Everything is better and my social life is 100% better! I am able to focus at my work. Life is good.” I’m balanced now!
I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) 2 years ago and I have been struggling with acne and hormone problems for years. I had depression, fatigue, hair loss and my cycle was 19 days instead of 28 days. I had loss of sleep, weight loss, high testosterone (androgen) and an ovarian cyst burst. I was on antibiotics, bio-identical hormones, different natural remedies. I was prescribed hormone replacement, but it did not work for me. I also tried acne topical medications and a testosterone blocker. I was on birth control for 6 years. Afterwards, my body was out of whack. I had a little hope in the acne clearing up but I was discouraged about the PCOS. The acne was due to PCOS and it got worst when I got off the birth control. I was lethargic and stayed away from friends and events. At work, I was always tired and I also lost work due to ovarian cyst bursting. I was in and out of the hospital. I was completely exhausted in trying to end the acne, PMS and hormonal issues – nothing really helped me, except diet and exercise.
I had a positive outcome with other Acupuncture Clinics, so I did some research. March 12, 2012, I started treatment with acupuncture and herbs at Natural Medicine Center. I really like it – I really like the doctor. I feel like he had better advise and understanding of my condition and getting to the root cause. I understand the natural method of healing to be - the process to heal someone that channels through their body and finding the root cause. The 1st month I was sleeping better and in another month my skin started to clear up. My cycle became more stable. My cycles are now 28–30 days. Everything is better and my social life is 100% better! I am able to focus at my work. Life is good.
I have increased energy. I feel like acupuncture relaxes me. The staff is really nice and appointments are easy to make. Dr. Huang is really nice and he takes time to answer your questions. I’m happy with the results and I know it is up to me to maintain it. Acupuncture helped before but not at this level. My dad and boyfriend knew it would help me and some of my friends were surprised that acupuncture worked. I would refer others there and I have referred my mom and dad already. I always knew natural medicine was the best. In my opinion modern medicine only alleviates the symptoms and in event other symptoms will come. Start by eating right. Acupuncture is the extra boost to keeping healthy.
Sincerely, C.H.
Yorba Linda, California
June 28, 2012
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
PCOS (POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME) | HORMONE PROBLEMS, HIGH TESTOSTERONE (ANDROGEN) | ACNE, FATIGUE, DEPRESSION, SLEEP LOSS, HAIR LOSS The 1st month I was sleeping better and in another month my skin started to clear up. My cycle became more stable. My cycles are now 28 – 30 days. Everything is better and my social life is 100% better! I am able to focus at my work. Life is good. I’m balanced now! | We have treated over 45,000 patients including doctors (MD & Ph.D.), nurses (RN), chiropractors, licensed acupuncturists, healthcare professionals and post-graduates. Natural Medicine Center receives Best of Orange County award Best Acupuncture Acupuncturist & Herbalist. Our family has been serving patients in the United States since 1980 and serving California for 35 years. Doctors and Licensed acupuncturist with clinical experience and success to serve you. We have a loving medical staff and will do our best to help and support patients to promote, maintain and restore health. Acupuncture PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, acupuncturist for hormonal problems, high testosterone, acupuncture clinic for acne, fatigue, depression, sleep loss and hair loss.