Testimonial for Dr. Kevin Huang
“After a month of acupuncture I felt my strength return slowly but surely. My gout attacks, controlled. The cramping went away. By the second month, my comprehensive blood test results showed my body was functioning at a near normal state. I and my family started calling Dr. Huang, The 'Kevinator”- bringer of health and balance. It is December now and my most recent blood test results showed NORMAL numbers for my kidneys and liver. My cholesterol numbers are all within the normal range, too.”
Last July 24h, four days before I was to return home to Canada, I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure in the ER of Hoag Hospital in Irvine. What I thought was an asthma attack turned out to be far worse. At 52, I neither smoked nor drank nor indulged in any other bad habit that could lead to CHF. What I did have was hypertension, which I thought was controlled by Perindopril. I was wrong. In my four day stay at the hospital: (1)I lost 25lbs. of water; (2)I learned my heart's ejection function was on at 30%; and, (3) I suffered from chronic kidney disease caused by CHF. I felt so weak and scared. I was also cramping all over my body which made moving very difficult and painful. The cardiologist gave me 4 different types of meds for my CHF, 2 meds for gout (the unfortunate side effects of CHF medications) and magnesium pills for the cramping. My water intake was controlled. And I was placed on a low-salt diet-2000mg a day.
In August, as soon as I was stable, my older sister and brother-in-law took me to see Dr. Kevin Huang. Right away his warmth and kindness made me feel comfortable. His office staff was courteous, professional and accommodating.
After a month of acupuncture I felt my strength return slowly but surely. My gout attacks, controlled. The cramping went away. By the second month, my comprehensive blood test results showed my body was functioning at a near normal state. I and my family started calling Dr. Huang, The 'Kevinator”- bringer of health and balance. By the third month, my echo cardiogram showed a 38% marked improvement in my heart's ejection fraction! My cardiologist was pleasantly surprised at the 8 point uptick in a short period of time and advised me to “continue whatever it was I was doing.” My sister called it the “Huang Effect.”
It is December now and my most recent blood test results showed NORMAL numbers for my kidneys and liver. My cholesterol numbers are all within the normal range, too. I still go to see Dr. Huang to ensure the continued healing of my heart and body. I'm living proof that Acupuncture in he hands of a very capable and faith-filled doctor, like Dr. Huang, can enhance and speed up the body's healing process when combined with Western Medicine. I'm grateful to my sister and brother-in-law for finding The Kevinator. We are blessed to have him in our lives. Thanks be to God! G.C., December 21, 2017
5/5 stars
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