"After several months of trying, I became pregnant in May of 2011. I had a blood test to confirm my pregnancy and my HCG levels were the highest they had ever been. I continued with acupuncture throughout my pregnancy. I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and I have had a very smooth, healthy pregnancy. We are expecting our baby boy in January of 2012. Dr. Huang has been very supportive and generous throughout this process. He has always had a positive attitude and a strong faith in my having a healthy pregnancy even when I was becoming discouraged. You can truly see the hand of God in the way he runs his practice."
When I first came for a consult with Dr. Huang, my husband and I had been praying and trying for a baby for two years. After a year of trying to conceive we consulted with a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) - who basically said I had a 1-2% chance of becoming pregnant naturally because I was 38 years old (at the time) and had not conceived up to that point. We had one IUI with the RE, which caused me to develop large cysts and postponed my regular menstrual cycle for several months. I began seeing a well known acupuncturist, who specialized in fertility at the same time as I began treatment with the RE. The IUI did not result in pregnancy; however, I did end up becoming pregnant naturally a few months later. I miscarried after 6 weeks. After that pregnancy, I had two more miscarriages within 6 months. I felt heartbroken and defeated but continued to have faith that God had a plan for us.
I began looking for other acupuncturists in the area because I did not feel the miscarriages were being addressed by the acupuncturist and treatment remained the same regardless of how many times I miscarried, I believe God lead me to the Natural Medicine website and as soon as I read that Dr. Huang was a Christian and read his beliefs, I made an appointment for a consult. My husband and I have always believed that we would have a child but did not know what path God wanted us to take. We also looked into adoption but were not ready to take that step. Dr. Huang had a different approach to treatment for my fertility issues. He treated my whole body rather than simply focusing on my reproductive system and had us wait 3 months before trying to conceive again so my body could heal.
After months of acupuncture, herbs, and a special diet, we began trying to conceive again in January of 2011. After several months of trying, I became pregnant in May of 2011. I had a blood test to confirm my pregnancy and my HCG levels were the highest they had ever been. I continued with acupuncture throughout my pregnancy. I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and I have had a very smooth, healthy pregnancy. We are expecting our baby boy in January of 2012. Dr. Huang has been very supportive and generous throughout this process. He has always had a positive attitude and a strong faith in my having a healthy pregnancy even when I was becoming discouraged. You can truly see the hand of God in the way he runs his practice. What meant the most to me as my pregnancy progressed was Dr. Huang praying over me and our son during each session and always giving the glory to God. I am so very thankful to Dr. Huang and his wonderful staff.
God Bless, D.&B. P.
December 20, 2011
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
NATURAL HEALTH ORANGE COUNTY | AGAPE ACUPUNCTURE, INC. | SOUTH COAST MARKETPLACE | ACUPUNCTURE, HERBS AND DIET | After months of acupuncture, herbs, and a special diet, we began trying to conceive again in January of 2011. After several months of trying, I became pregnant in May of 2011. I had a blood test to confirm my pregnancy and my HCG levels were the highest they had ever been. I continued with acupuncture throughout my pregnancy. I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and I have had a very smooth, healthy pregnancy. We are expecting our baby boy in January of 2012. Dr. Huang has been very supportive and generous throughout this process. He has always had a positive attitude and a strong faith in my having a healthy pregnancy even when I was becoming discouraged. You can truly see the hand of God in the way he runs his practice. What meant the most to me as my pregnancy progressed was Dr. Huang praying over me and our son during each session and always giving the glory to God. I am so very thankful to Dr. Huang and his wonderful staff.