“At the 6 week mark it was clear all was going well and his immune system was much stronger... Sawyer is so much happier than before.”
Our son Sawyer had a very healthy first year of life. After turning one year old he started having all sorts of recurrent colds and sinus trouble. This led into long bouts of coughing with labored breathing which was very very scary and exhausting for him. We tried all sorts of sinus medications, breathing treatments, and inhalers. While he would improve for a while, it was never more than a month before he started all over again with sickness.
While our pediatrician suggested that we keep him on allergy medicine and inhalers indefinitely, with the hope he would grow out of it, we knew that this was not God’s best for Sawyer. We took him to Dr. Huang in faith. The results of the exam were shocking. Sawyers immune system was as low as it could get and his lungs and other systems were not functioning well at all. We immediately started 12 weeks of acupuncture and supplements. While sitting, Sawyer would receive treatments in his back and watch his DVD player. He was easy going and didn't even know he was being treated most of the time! He gobbled up his supplements on a spoon of peanut butter without fuss everyday.
After the first week of treatments, Sawyer no longer needed his allergy medicine. In fact, he has not had a dose since we started. His constant runny nose disappeared and slowly his lungs healed and cough went away. At the 6 week mark it was clear all was going well and his immune system was much stronger. Throughout treatment he fought two colds and instead of weeks of recovery, it was only a few days! Sawyer is so much happier than before. He is growing faster, talking more, and definitely laughing more - as a little 2 year old boy should!
We believe in Gods healing power through natural medicine. We are thankful for the wisdom God gives Dr Huang and his steadfast devotion to that calling. Lastly, we are thankful for his amazing staff that treats us like family. How blessed we are! Thank you for caring for our most precious!
Sincerely, B.&S.N. for Baby S.
October 10, 2012
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
BABY ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBS FOR BABIES | ACUPUNCTURIST PEDIATRIC CARE | WE ARE GENTLE FOR YOUR YOUNGEST FAMILY MEMBER | After the first week of treatments, Sawyer no longer needed his allergy medicine. In fact, he has not had a dose since we started. His constant runny nose disappeared and slowly his lungs healed and cough went away. At the 6 week mark it was clear all was going well and his immune system was much stronger. Throughout treatment he fought two colds and instead of weeks of recovery, it was only a few days! Sawyer is so much happier than before. He is growing faster, talking more, and definitely laughing more - as a little 2 year old boy should!