On August 11, 2013, a patient came into Agape Natural Health seeking help because he was suffering from pneumonia, a chronic infection that inflames the air sacs of his lung. The patient found out he had pneumonia during his visit to the Orange County hospital for hiccups and coughs. The modern medicine doctor prescribed the patient with antibiotics and anti-inflammation to help with pneumonia. The patient took the prescription drugs for several weeks, but his health condition did not improve. He experienced more coughs and produced more mucus than before. His cough was so severe that it disturbed his sleep during the night. He became so congested that it gave him headaches and pain in his ear, nose, and throat that results in difficulty breathing. He would occasionally have the hiccups that would last for hours or even days. With all the conditions the patient experienced, it lowered his energy level causing him always to be tired. The antibiotic and anti-inflammation that the modern medicine doctor prescribed him did not elevate any of his pains or symptoms; it just made the condition worse.
During his free 20 minutes consultation with Dr. Huang, the patient disclosed information about his condition. Dr. Huang recommended a combination of acupuncture treatments with natural herbal medicine to improve his health. The patient started treatment and natural herbal right away because he knew that western medicine did not help him with his pneumonia. A few days after his first treatment, we noticed his cough had decreased. The patient states that his ear and congestion has reduced from his initial consultation with Dr. Huang. As we treated the patients for his pneumonia, we also treated him for an autoimmune digestive disorder, shoulder pain, tight muscle, and weak ankle. Dr. Huang also recommends that the patient is placed on a special nutrition diet to promote his digestive health. As the patient progressively continued with his acupuncture treatment, we noticed a drastic change from when he initially came in with coughs, congestion, and hiccups. After two months of acupuncture treatment at Agape Natural Health and continuous consumption of herbals medicine and nutritious guideline, his pneumonia went away. The patients' cough was gone allowing him to sleep better at night, his congestion cleared up and opened up his nasal, ears, and throat, his lungs were breathing better, he wasn’t experiencing any more headaches, his shoulder pain went away, leg muscle wasn’t tense, and his ankle got stronger. A combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition diet increased the patient quality of life by improving his body strength to live a healthier lifestyle.
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Natural Health | Orange County, Southern California | Individual Results May Vary
LIVE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE | IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE | ACUPUNCTURE, HERBS AND NUTRITION | As the patient progressively continued with his acupuncture treatment, we noticed a drastic change from when he initially came in with coughs, congestion, and hiccups. After two months of acupuncture treatment at Agape Natural Health and continuous consumption of herbals medicine and nutritious guideline, his pneumonia went away. The patients' cough was gone allowing him to sleep better at night, his congestion cleared up and opened up his nasal, ears, and throat, his lungs were breathing better, he wasn’t experiencing any more headaches, his shoulder pain went away, leg muscle wasn’t tense, and his ankle got stronger. A combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition diet increased the patient quality of life by improving his body strength to live a healthier lifestyle.