Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), also known as autism is a neurodevelopmental impairment that weakens the ability to communicate and interact with others. It is a broad spectrum of symptoms and severity that an individual with autism experiences skill strengths and level of difficulties differently from most people. The mind of an individual autism function in ways that prevent them from entirely understanding social cues, making eye contact, and holding a conversation. They also have difficulties in developing a cognitive mind, motor skills, and language. Some individual with autism may require a considerable amount of assistant to perform daily living. Whereas some may have the capability of fully functioning everyday life on their own.
Autism generally appears within the first three years of life, but it can be diagnosed at any age. Some children may grow up normal in the first year and suddenly become indifferent in social engagement around the second or third year of life. Signs of an individual with autism are separating themselves from social interaction and being obsessively focused on certain object and have repetitive behaviors. Depending on their severity, it can affect differently in areas of functioning. Their eye contacts may be minimal or inconsistent with no cue of acknowledgment of listening. They may have difficulties in reciprocating, slow or fail in responding when called by name, body expression does not match with the language being expressed, having a singsong, flat, or robot-like voice, getting upset with slight changes, repeating words, and sensitive to noise, objects, or the environment.
Risk Factors are:
Having older parents and siblings with ASD
More significantly in boys developing ASD than girls
Very low birth rate
Environmental factors
There is no cure for autism. Medication and therapies are used to help individuals with autism. Medications are created to treat the common behaviors in autism by decreasing their irritability, repetitive behavior, attention problems, and anxiety and depression. Varieties of therapies are designed to help an individual with autism to develop and improve social and language skills, learn life-skills to be independent, and decrease behaviors challenges. However, depending on their severity, not all medication and therapies are effective towards every individual with autism.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine induce homeostatic response on the cellular level by influencing the body’s internal organs to correct imbalances of the sensory stimuli in the nervous system. They stimulate the central nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will change the experience of sensory, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body’s own internal regulating system. Acupuncture helps by alleviating the symptomatology those with autism, improve their social interaction, verbal communication, cognitive function, and improves their quality of life. Acupuncture is safe and painless. There are no drugs or hazardous equipment used, and no surgical operation performed.
A case study was conducted by the School of Chinese Medicine (SCM) in Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) on 68 children between the age of 2-10. Each child was compared and analyzed, and results showed after receiving acupuncture, 97% of the autistic children verbal and communication skills had improved. Testimonial on Agape Natural Health who have undergone acupuncture and herbal medicine has proven that acupuncture does help them with autism. After receiving acupuncture, their son’s interaction and speech improvement and was noticed tremendously by the teacher and by the parents.
“Autism Spectrum Disorder” National Institute of Mental Health,
“Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet” National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
“Clinical study finds scalp acupuncture effective for treating autistic” Medical Xpress – medical research advances and health news,, October 17, 2017
“What is Autism?” Autism Society
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ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBS FOR AUTISM | We kept trying to find ways to help them with other alternatives. We worked on their diet and gave them no more fast food. We enrolled the boys in speech therapy classes. We were doing everything but we were seeing little results and just not much improvement.
In August, 2005, we came to the Natural Medicine Center because we were hopeful that the boys’ condition could get more improvements. The medical staff was very welcoming, friendly and nice, and all my questions were answered. The promptness of the response was very impressive. They began acupuncture and herbs, and they changed their diet. The staff is good with the kids.
We noticed that the boys became more reactive and more alert. They think more and are able to better express their feelings and thoughts. They are saying more words and using more sentences. They are happier, eating better and sleeping better. There is a better outlook for the future and an improved quality of life. I feel that there is hope in their future. The school also noticed the differences and our older son is going to regular kindergarten.
It’s a miracle! The treatments have changed our lives and the boys’ lives and I would definitely refer others. I would encourage others to have faith and I would share my story. Natural medicine definitely helps heal and improve the quality of life, and I am a firm believer in it.
Sincerely, S.G. for C.G. and G.G.