Acupuncture Insomnia Night Sweats, Acupuncturist For Menopause Syndrome, Acupuncture Clinic Hair Loss – Patient testimonial 5 star review to share the hope and encouragement from Natural Medicine Center. Over 45,000 patients treated and 4th generation in natural medicine – Many Testimonials – Acupuncture Insomnia Night Sweats Acupuncturist For Menopause Syndrome And Acupuncture Clinic Hair Loss Success Testimonial Review By Patient AD. Acupuncture, acupuncturist and Natural Medicine Center offers acupuncture, herbs, dietary supplements and nutrition to serve patients.
Hair Loss, Menopause, Night Sweats & Insomnia
“They definitely work to make you feel better.”
I had visible hair loss, menopause with day and night sweats, insomnia and inconsistent energy levels. I worked out in the morning, 5 days a week at the gym. I thought I was eating well and in good shape. My energy levels were always high after a workout but would drop during the course of the day. My nightly rest was broken with frequent night sweats. I used a variety of hair products and recommended vitamins, trying to stop the hair fall out and stimulate new hair growth and also to reduce the side effects of menopause. None of them worked.
My son made an appointment for a consultation at the Natural Medicine Center. After the body scans examination, the end result was to cleanse, detoxify and strengthen my weak inner support system. I learned that years of living with improper nutrition, lack of rest and using prescribed medical drugs was impeding the function of my body organs. My inner support system was weak.
Once assessed, I started acupuncture treatments. Herbal medicine was prescribed including the teas and upgrading my nutrition awareness thus improving the daily eating. Changes were felt almost immediately. My menopausal sweats have diminished especially the night sweats. Energy levels are up and lasting throughout the day. I am able to fall asleep quickly and rest well. I awake feeling rested and refreshed. Hair, yes my hair is beginning to appear in places that were bald and thin. I am growing a visible hair line replacing the empty receding one I had in May.
I have spread the good news and I am constantly promoting and referring the work of this clinic. This husband and wife team and friendly staff are remarkable caring people. Little minor aches and pains that pop up are also treated when they appear. They definitely work to make you feel better.
God bless Dr. Yeh and Dr. Huang
Be well, A.D.
Santa Ana, California
September 23, 2004
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
MENOPAUSE SYNDROME | RENEWING MY BODY | ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBS FOR MENOPAUSE, NIGHT SWEATS, HAIR LOSS, AND INSOMNIA They definitely work to make you feel better. ACUPUNCTURE INSOMNIA NIGHT SWEATS ACUPUNCTURIST FOR MENOPAUSE SYNDROME ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC HAIR LOSS – ANOTHER SUCCESS TESTIMONIAL REVIEW We are licensed acupuncturist by the state of California. Here is a medical testimonial of Acupuncture Insomnia Night Sweats Acupuncturist For Menopause Syndrome And Acupuncture Clinic Hair Loss Success Testimonial Review By Patient AD.