“I was Stage 4 head, neck, throat cancer that spread to my lungs, my survival was low and I am now free of cancer according to my last PET scan. The fact that they can’t see it on a scan is pretty amazing to me!”
I was diagnosed on August 5, 2013 with Stage 4 Head, Neck and Throat Cancer. I was scared and worried. My condition basically kept me locked down at home on my couch and it was lonely. It kept me fatigued all the time with a dry mouth and limited me from doing cardio. It limited me from going out in the sun and kept me from the beach and riding my bike. I suffered with this condition for 1 year.
I had radiation to the throat area, chemotherapy for 5 weeks - 1 every week during 24 radiation treatments to the throat. The second round was 1 every 3 weeks for 6 months. I had a throat tube put in because I couldn’t breath when I went into the ER, and I was there for a month. The tracheostomy tube did not come out for 4 months because the tumor was wrapped around my esophagus. When they took the tube out and did another scan, they found that the cancer had spread to my lungs. They did a needle biopsy and found out that it was the same from my throat and that it had spread. It was a cancerous lung nodule 8mm that spread from my throat.
I had 6 rounds of chemotherapy for the lungs. I was also on medications for pain (morphine and hydrocodone) and Xanax for anxiety. I didn’t like any of it because the whole process of treatments made me miserable, and I had a lot of anxiety with the chemotherapy treatments.
I was always a believer in natural remedies and I read a lot about it first. I came to Agape Acupuncture on February 6, 2014 and found Dr. Huang to be knowledgeable and that they were really concerned about me and very supportive. I found the clinic to be fantastic with excellent customer service and a clean facility - sweet people over here, honest and reliable. I hoped to find healing of my cancer all the way naturally instead of with drugs. I started acupuncture treatments along with natural herbs and diet guidance.
After I started coming to Agape Acupuncture, I have been getting better everyday and it is promoting to heal the body naturally. Socially I can get out a little more and exercise more. I don’t have to hide my appearance from the sun because the chemotherapy beats you up and it shows on your face. I have more energy and over all feel better. Ever since I’ve even coming here, the last 2 scans, CT scan and PET scan were the best I had and were clear and free of cancer. The staff is very helpful, kind, understanding and educated. I found the medical staff to be very respectful, very kind and knowledgeable. I feel fantastic about the results and clear and no cancer on my last scans. My family and loved ones are ecstatic at my results.
I will definitely refer others to Dr. Kevin Huang because I find natural medicine to be fantastic. I would say they helped me and brought me through a lot of turmoil. I would make a point to tell others I was Stage 4 head, neck, throat cancer that spread to my lungs, my survival was low and I am now free of cancer according to my last PET scan. The fact that they can’t see it on a scan is pretty amazing to me! I would recommend natural medicine to anybody, whether they have cancer or not. It restores your body naturally from toxins and Dr. Huang has excellent credentials.
Hungtington Beach, California
June 26, 2014
UPDATE: October 29, 2014
I just wanted you to have the latest update! CANCER FREE now for 4 months. Dr. Harish J. told me on my follow-up.
UPDATE: February 9, 2015
Follow-up: CANCER FREE REMISSION, No more Erbitux (Centuximab) treatments
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
STAGE 4 HEAD, NECK AND THROAT CANCER THAT SPREAD TO MY LUNGS I was Stage 4 head, neck, throat cancer that spread to my lungs, my survival was low and I am now free of cancer according to my last PET scan. The fact that they can’t see it on a scan is pretty amazing to me!