Acupuncture For Precancerous Cervical Cells, Acupuncture Clinic For Precancerous Low-Grade Lesions Mild Dysplasia, And Acupuncturist For Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 1 (CIN 1) – Patient testimonial to share the hope and encouragement from Natural Medicine Center.
“The Oncologist’s face looked rather blank after examination, and all he could reply was “I don’t see anything”.”
The Oncologist told me I had CIN1 (vaginal cancer cells) and said to come back in 6 months. Then after that time if it had advanced to the CIN2 stage, then they would do a laser procedure that only took three seconds but was expensive and very painful so anesthesia and hospitalization is required. Being very disappointed with the lack of any helpful information I decided to do something about it myself.
A few months later at the car wash I saw their sign saying Acupuncture and Natural Medicine. I went in and enrolled on the spot. Dr. Kevin Huang said the herb was fine but not enough. He started treating me very aggressively to help strengthen the immune system.
Just had that 6 month check up. The Oncologist’s face looked rather blank after examination, and all he could reply was “I don’t see anything”.
My decision not to sit back and wait, but to have taken this into my own hands was a good choice. However I am certain that the supplements, herbal teas, and acupuncture greatly attributed to getting rid of these pre-cancer cells.
Always being interested in Acupuncture but not knowing anyone who had tried it, I am actually grateful that I had something to take me into them. Through their lab diagnosis it was also discovered that I have Epstein Bar Syndrome and a very ill immune system. Since the start of treatment these additional conditions show great improvement.
It is such a pleasure to be treated with such “real” care and concern from Dr. Janet Yeh and Dr. Kevin Huang.
Sincerely, C.P.
January 4, 2005
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
PRE-CANCEROUS CERVICAL CELLS ARE GONE | ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBS FOR PRECANCEROUS LOW-GRADE LESIONS MILD DYSPLASIA | CERVICAL INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA 1 (CIN 1) The Oncologist’s face looked rather blank after examination, and all he could reply was “I don’t see anything”. We are licensed acupuncturist by the state of California. Here is a medical testimonial of Acupuncture For Precancerous Cervical Cells, Acupuncture Clinic For Precancerous Low-Grade Lesions Mild Dysplasia, And Acupuncturist For Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 1 (CIN 1) Testimonial By Patient CP.