CLINICAL EXPERIENCE | STAGE 4 CANCEROUS BRAIN TUMOR | FREE FROM CANCER | God’s Providence and His use of Acupuncture via Dr. Huang to Prompt Healing
On May 3, 2011 I was diagnosed with a Stage 4 cancerous brain tumor. This was totally unexpected for I never had headaches or symptoms that would have led me to believe something was amiss until the last few weeks of April 2011. At that time I was having an equilibrium problem as well as headaches. I was living up north in Walnut Creek, CA with my wife but had been having follow up appointments at UCI Medical Center for a previous bout with sinus cancer in 2002. That surgery was done at UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco but because of a job transfer to Southern CA my follow up was done at UCI. I was in Tustin visiting family when I saw my ENT at UCI and told him of my symptoms he suggested a CT scan, which I had, and it revealed the tumor. I was back in Walnut Creek when the results of the scan were made known to me.
On May 3rd my wife and I rushed down to UCI and I was admitted and after more testing it was determined that it was Stage 4 Cancer. The surgical removal of the tumor took place on May 5th. In God’s providence the timing of all this and the success of the surgery was a blessing from
Him to say the least. The Doctors at UCI were puzzled trying to determine where these tumors had come from. The pathology reports from the tumor indicated it was the same type as colon cancer. I was sent to the Oncology Doctor to begin an aggressive Chemotherapy treatment. Pet scans reveled five tumors, four in my lungs and one near my liver. The chemo really began to wreck havoc on my body not only from the residual effects of the treatment but because of the previous sinus cancer surgery and radiation in 2002 another problem arose. The scar tissue in my mouth which hadn’t given me a problem for years was affected and the mouth / jaw began to swell and close up. I couldn’t speak or eat without pain and I was losing weight at an alarming rate.
Thus enter Dr. Huang. A friend of my daughters had told her of the amazing results she experienced at NMC and my daughter suggested maybe acupuncture might help. I was desperate and had been asking the Lord to give me guidance as to what I should do. I wanted to be in the center of His will and knew He could heal me outright or use Doctors and medicine to accomplish His will for me. In His providence He led me to meet with Dr. Huang and I was so impressed with his professionalism and that of his staff that I knew God had led me to NMC. So what happened? Through acupuncture, the care of Dr, Huang and his staff, the herbs and teas I took and a special cancer preventative diet here is what transpired:
• I was able, through acupuncture, to weather the onslaught of the chemo with better than expected recovery between chemo infusions and the acupuncture kicked my immune system into gear.
• My mouth began to heal and I was, in a matter of months, able to speak clearly and eat without pain.
• With the combination of excellent medical care at UCI and the care from Dr. Huang and his staff I am now, on March 5, 2012, free from cancer and on a fast recovery
I thank the Lord each day for the gift He has given to Dr. Huang to use acupuncture to bring additional healing to me according to God’s will.
T.L., March 5, 2012
5/5 stars
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Copyright © Agape Acupuncture, Inc. | Natural Health Orange County | Individual Results May Vary
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE | ACUPUNCTURIST WITH GREAT RESULTS | DR. HUANG TREATS PATIENTS IN COSTA MESA, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA | ORANGE COUNTY NATURAL MEDICINE | Thus enter Dr. Huang. A friend of my daughters had told her of the amazing results she experienced at Natural Medicine Center and my daughter suggested maybe acupuncture might help. I was desperate and had been asking the Lord to give me guidance as to what I should do. I wanted to be in the center of His will and knew He could heal me outright or use Doctors and medicine to accomplish His will for me. In His providence He led me to meet with Dr. Huang and I was so impressed with his professionalism and that of his staff that I knew God had led me to Natural Health Orange County. So what happened? Through acupuncture, the care of Dr, Huang and his staff, the herbs and teas I took and a special cancer preventative diet here is what transpired: