Receptionist: "Thank you for calling Dr. Huang and Dr. Yeh's office, this is [receptionist]. How may I help you?"
Patient: "Hi [receptionist], this is [patient] and I was in there yesterday"
Patient: "And um, the doctor sent me to the emergency room. I don't know which doctor...I saw."
Receptionist: "Okay, this is actually um, uhhh, Dr. Huang, um, we offer acupuncture and herbal medicine"
Patient: "Yep, exactly...yep, yea. I came to see, I came to see him, and um, he gave me the 20 minute talk and then he sends me to the back and was gonna give me acupuncture, took my pictures, and um, and then he said 'you know what, i...' he told me that I didn't look too hot he told me to go to the emergency room"
Receptioinist: "Mhmm"
Patient: "And um, let him know he saved my life, 'cause... I had a heart attack yesterday"
Receptionist: *gasp* "Oh my gosh!" *gasp*
Patient: "Yea, I had a heart attack"
Receptionist: "Wow!"
Patient:"And they put a stent in me"
Receptionist: *gasp*
Patient: "And um, I had the 90% blockage in main artery"
Receptionist: *gasp* "Wow"
Patient: "And this morning they put a stent in me and fixed me...and now I'm...I'm okay, I would've died, if it wasn't for him"
Receptionist: "Oh my gosh! wow, thank you so much for letting us know!"
Patient: "And I want you to tell him this, he's an excellent doctor, and he really"
Receptionist: "Yes, he is"
Patient: "You know he took, he, he took the time and he read me"
Receptionist: "Yes"
Patient: "He took my pictures, he didn't just bring me back there and tell me 'Alright i'm gonna put five needles in you and...' that's it, I mean, he's an excellent doctor and I've told, told five people this story and they've asked me 'What's this guy's name?' 'cause I'm gonna refer 'em "
Receptionist: "Ohhh, great! Thank you so much"
Patient: "So, please tell him that"
Receptionist: "I will definitely!"
Patient: "And I'll be seeing him"
Receptionist: "Uh huh, great! When you're feeling a little better, awesome!"
Patient: "When I feel a little better, yea"
Receptionist: "Yea and we will, I will let him know, I know he'll be praying for your recovery"
Patient: "Yea, that's another thing, he prayed with me"
Receptionist: "Ohhh, that's awesome!"
Patient: "Before I came in,, um, I, I have to tell you, uh, you'll be seeing me, uh, with my wife"
Receptionist: "Oh, fabulous!"
Patient: "Um, there shortly, um and, I, one thing, when I walked in the door there I felt, automatically felt like, this is a good place"
Receptionist: "Ohhh"
Patient: "And um, well I went to the back room, and, I tell ya, I felt like this is helpful...and I thought, this would be really good for my wife, yea 'cause she's... she's very ill.
Receptionist: "Ohhh, I'm so sorry"
Patient: "And you know, he saved my life. I would've...not been here"
Receptionist: "Wow. Well thank you for sharing the blessing with us, we really appreciate it and we definitely will be praying for your, um, recovery. Okay?"
Patient: "Alright"
Receptionist: "Alright"
Patient: "Thank you so much"
Receptionist: "Well, we look forward to seeing you soon, okay."
Patient: "Okay, bye"
Receptionist: "Bye bye"
From our patient who was misdiagnosed for several weeks, from multiple different doctors, until Dr. Huang was able to properly diagnose him. “saved my life!”